To run the ping command for a specific period, use these steps: The ping command includes many options that you can access with the "ping /?" command, and one of these options is the ability to set the time you want to run the tool, which can come in handy to examine packets lost when you are troubleshooting connectivity problems. You should also know that the ping command will always time out if the remote device or service blocks the ICMP protocol. Then try to ping a website to find out whether there is a problem with the internet connection or the remote host. Then test the router's connection to ensure the issue is not in the local network. If you are dealing with connectivity problems, start pinning the local computer to ensure the network stack is working.

If the request times out, there is a problem between the host and the remote device. Once you complete the steps, receiving four successful echo replies from the destination means the device can talk with the remote host. This is the same as pinging the device using its own network address.
When you run the command, if you get a reply, it means that the networking stack on Windows 10 is up and running.

In the command, replace IP-OR-DOMAIN with the actual IP address or domain name of the computer or service you want to test. Type the following command to send ICMP echo requests to test connectivity and press Enter: ping IP-OR-DOMAIN.Search for Command Prompt, right-click the top result, and select the Run as administrator option.To test the network connectivity with the ping command on Windows 10, use these steps: Ping is another essential networking tool because it allows you to send ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) echo request messages to test the IP connectivity with other devices, whether it is another computer in the network or internet service. Usually, this command will come in handy when you cannot connect to another computer or website using the host or domain name due to outdated information in the local cache. Once you complete the steps, the entries stored in the DNS cache of Windows 10 will be deleted and refreshed.